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Works in Progress

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Gästebuch I´m happy about your comments!


In the Studio-Gallery La Speranza, Vienna 7, Siebensterngasse 9,
opposite the Spittelberg, works of the artist are on permanent display.
No fixed opening hours. To be sure that the gallery is open
please call the number below (Mo - Sa 10 a.m. - 6 p.m.)

PHONE and FAX :(++43 / 1) 523 79 45 sent eMail to: LA SPERANZA


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Please give me a short note!

All pictures on this homepage are copyright © La Speranza .
They may not be copied or reproduced without permission.
All Rights Reserved.

These pages were made by La Speranza   03 June 1998 Copyright ©  La Speranza
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Luigi La Speranza